30 April 2007


A big hush swept the palace that day. Priests were everywhere, running inconspicuously to a secret room; bringing cloths, perfumes, olive oils, and a big urn… where a suspicious occurrence was silently taking place.
” Why is this happening?”
“ Hush! Say not a word! Your eyes had not been opened, your ears heard no whispers, and your lips shall be sealed with faith. Go hence, and like a ghost place these things under the aegis of the clandestine ground!”

Daybreak came and things slowly return to its normal state. Merchants came and went in the city market. Architects continued building the great city of Tell-Al Amarna, creating huge columns for the splendid temples of the noon-god Aton. Artisans busily labors in inscribing hieroglyphs on the walls, telling the story of the great empire of Pharaoh Amenhotep IV, of his beautiful wife Queen Nefertiti and his six lovely daughters, and of his giving up the worship of the traditional Egyptian deity, the god Amun and conversing the whole kingdom into devotion for the noon-god Aton. However, not everybody was pleased with his decision, everybody meaning, the priests of Amun, who were devastated and angered by the sudden shift of faith by the pharaoh.
“ Who does he think he is? He had abandoned the faith his ancestors had worship for centuries! He is a madman!”
“ Be careful with your words brother! He is, after all the King of Egypt, the Pharaoh who has control over all our lives!”
“What shall we do? We should do something or we shall perish in the desert with nothing!”
“ Fear not, his reign shall be short lived, the gods shall help us. The true god Amun will help us!”
“What is hidden beneath your words, brother?”
“ You shall be a witness to it. Be patient.”
Years had passed and a girl in the age of 14 playfully wades in a hidden lagoon, where water from the Blue Nile gently turn and create a spawning pool of cool blue water. Where white lilies and wild desert flowers happily sink their roots for nourishment, and where tall palm trees grow, conceiving an enormous shadow enough to protect a hundred camels from the scorching heat of the sun. She is wearing a white satin wrap-around cloth, with a lovely blue laced shawl comfortly sitting on her shoulders, and an equally fabulous blue belt that brings out her noticeable curve figure and her tiny waist. This splendid dress is accentuated with gold round earrings, light shining grand necklace, gold armbands on both upper limbs, and two spectacular gold rings designed especially for her. The one on her left middle finger is a miniature of the sacred cobra, and the other on her right ring finger is the face of the goddess Isis, skillfully crafted by the city’s best. She now removes her gold sandals to feel the cool water on her little bare foot. While sitting in one of the green molded rocks, the wind gently blows her hair across her face, which somehow irritated her that she kept adjusting her gold hair band, when suddenly the smooth water is producing ripples. She was alarmed. No one knows of this paradise, her paradise. Her keen black eyes started to look for the trespasser, preparing herself for surprise, and a fight, if needed.
“ I didn’t know the Nile could create such a beautiful heaven.”
“You are entering a forbidden region!”
“ Yesterday I wandered where the Nile is going, so I decided to follow it, and here I am. Now I know it is for the bliss of a beautiful stranger.”
“This beautiful stranger has a name and I again remind you of your intrusion. If you do not leave at once, soldiers…”
“I am in no doubt that you have a name. For all the living creatures has a name. This plant over here, I think is named… however beautiful it is, I cannot seem to remember what it is called. But I will call it the flower of destiny…”
“I believe you have the capacity to name all the creatures you see. But I again for the third time …”
“Yes… I apologize. I must have disturbed your deep thought. I just have this urge to name you, like I’ve seen you before, I don’t know where, but…to tell you the truth I am not sorry I came here, I am comfortable here, and I am determined to stay as long as I want! And you my princess will just have to learn to accept that!”
“You are very rude! This is my lagoon and I intend to keep it that way!”
“Me? Rude? You are the one who refuses to share this miracle of land with other people! So you must be selfish then!”
“It is only you that I reject! You do not belong here!”
“Is it because the way I look? Though handsome and attractive… I am not welcomed because compared to you, my clothing is nothing but a rag?”
“You have taken my point and played with it cleverly. Nobody of lower stature could do such a thing! Only men with fine education could toy someone’s idea. So I believe you are the one who is so selfish to reveal your true identity!”
“You take interest in my true identity… whatever reasons, I am equally flattered. Thank you…so you insinuate that if I tell you who I am, I get to stay here…with you?”
“I might. On account that you will be discreet and prudent.”
“Very well then… I am Tutankhamun. I live at the Temple of Amun with my uncle. How about you?”
“Our tryst contained only of you introducing yourself, mine is not included.”
“I am impressed by your trickery. But if you do not tell me now who you are, I will still find out sooner or later… and I might be tempted to call you in another name, and it won’t be pleasant…”
“Ankhsenamun. Sixth daughter of the Pharaoh.”
“O… Ankhsenamun… pretty name for a pretty face.”
“You do not seem to be worried that I am a princess, a real princess.”

They stood there, mindful of each other's presence yet went against their wits not to converse. Both squint their little eyes to get a glimpse of each other in secret. She went around a rock formation and foolishly thought that she could stay there until he leaves, but he noticed her - and with the same foolishness positioned himself right across infront of her. She was irritated, while he smirked in his arrogance. Then, she felt tiny drops of water splashed on her feet, she retorted back with a handful of water and threw it directly at him. He laughed, then ran. She went after him splashing in the lagoon as they went along, laughing and enjoying themselves.

Breathless, they sat on a rock, with an ackward silence. Suddenly, the young man’s expression changed. From a sarcastic, arrogant and boastful lad… he became aware of a feeling, a feeling so vaguely familiar but comfortable in nature, a feeling of something deeper… a bond, between him and the princess… a bond he welcomed with awe…
“Whoever, whatever you are…I care less. For I know that I like you, just by talking to you, and watching you… and like this flower of destiny I have in my hands, I want to hold you, here in my arms. Bury my face deep in your shoulders, smell the sweet perfume in your neck, run my hands in your healthy breasts, and kiss you… kiss you until you and I become one…”
“Such passionate words you have. And deep expressive eyes… I am afraid I might let you… only that we are still strangers…”
“I am again saddened by your refusal. But I will not walk away knowing I found love and let it go. I will insist until you realized life is short…and every minute should be seized with love! Young as we are, we should not be careless! Or time will just pass us by…”
“You are so certain, and that is a great thing! I am willing to take this risk with you, but I assume that this moment is not impulsive…so I suggest that you come back tomorrow, the same time, this same place…and tell me again of your love, of your passion, and your desire. Then I will decide if I will give you mine…”
“I cannot blame you for taking precautions, but I assure you that I will be here tomorrow. I will not sleep tonight nor drink any herb…I will think of you. I will think of us, then rest. … You must also be fatigued but permit me to take just one kiss from your lips, then I will go.”
The lovers, young they seem to be, are very much gifted with the ability to love and to do anything for love. They parted ways and went in their each abode, dreaming of the coming tomorrow and it’s promises of love.

The palace was filled with confusion when Ankhsenamun arrived. Women pour sand on their heads. Each servant holds perfumes and sacred oils. A familiar body lies on the table, surrounded with priests mumbling sacred chants only they could understand, and her mother, Queen Nefertiti along with her five sisters sat in seclusion consoling one another…
“Mother… its me….”
“Never do I expect to shed such tears for my husband…”
“Your eyes will swell…”
“I do not know how to control it, my eyes seems to have their own mind… they cry like my heart… they feel the pain… the pain of Egypt for losing such a great King… the pain of my children for losing their father… and the pain, the pain of losing the only man I ever and will only, love!”
“He looked so troubled dear sister… our Father died in pain!”
“He had suffered an unknown and unworthy death… I cannot let myself see him in that state! Go, and describe to me his gentle face… describe to me my father, my loving father… please?”
“Hush now… stay still, let not our grief make us suffer too… for I am certain father would be more hurt to see us like this…”
She stood there, gazing at the only father she had known. The most famous man in Egypt lies on the table, the grand King Amenhotep IV… his eyes were closed as if he was having a nightmare…how could a gentle and good man suffer such fate? Thinking of how happy she was minutes ago; how excited she was to break the news to her father; how she imagined her father’s reaction would be. She was his favorite daughter…the most loved, the most cherished. Now Egypt was left with no ruler.
The Vizier named Ayê, above all is the most troubled. He is the one who is now in charge of the kingdom. He must find someone to rule Egypt as the Pharaoh, and fast.
“What shall happen now, great Vizier?”
“ Who will succeed the king? Definitely not Queen Nefertiti…she is so poignant, she’ll bring the empire down if she’ll rule!”
“How about Prince Smhenkhara? Since the king has no son born to him as an heir, the prince can very well rule!”
“Prince Smhenkhara is a weakling! He only enjoys pleasures and women, he doesn’t have the right to rule Egypt… he is a menace!”
“ Then who shall lead the people of Egypt? If we do not find someone fast, the people will demand for a King!”
“Great Vizier, what are you thinking?”
“The King has no son. He only produced six daughters, which are not yet capable to run the kingdom. Therefore, the only thing we could do… is to marry off one of the princesses to have a King!”
So a plan has evolved….
The Vizier had ordered the ministers to put up a forum where He could announce the forthcoming fate of Egypt, in the hands of the unknown man, who would be king.
Servants are running around the castle, getting ready for the banquet; cooking the food; running perfumes and clothes for the Princesses to use… assisting their baths, wiping their bodies, keeping them comfortable, before the light of day would come.
However, one particular princess is not quite happy and excited to attend the banquet. Ankhsenamun is worried to her bones about what the events of the day would bring. She was to meet her sweet stranger at the lagoon; he would wait for her before the sun rests. And she would come, no matter what; she would lay her head in his arms.
“ Faster dear sister! You know how the Vizier acts when we are late…”.
“Yes, we should be there before he eats all the food! Hahaha!”
“Alright then, lets go… shall this banquet be long?”
“I hope so, I prepared myself enough to last a lifetime!”
“Can I leave right after his announcement? I have some matters to do…”
“I do not think that is wise dear Ankhsenamun, you know the rules… no one shall leave the banquet table until all is done.”
“But I have pressing things to focus on… can I just go? Just this once? Please? You Meritaten is our oldest sister, and you will be the next queen… hence you have the power to change the rules!”
I hope I could… I really wish I could have that much power to change tradition, to change my fate…if only I could…”
As the sisters walked towards the banquet room, the talks died down naturally. Waiting at the further end of the table is the Vizier, with a canny smile gracing his face, and beckoning them to come closer.
“Shall I start this conference, if you may? Due to the recent death of our beloved King Amenhotep, we are left with no male heir, who could easily ascend to the throne…instead we have here are six lovely princesses. As to conform to our tradition, one must marry in order for Egypt to have a King, in this case, Princess Meritaten… it is now your responsibility to choose a noble man to marry, so we can have a King!”
“As long as he is noble in deed, He has the right to marry me and be the King?”
“Noble… He must be of noble birth or he must come from a respected family, he must have high education so he can attend to the matters of the kingdom… and of course, he must have a good name!”
“And not to worry dear princess…. The council will choose the right King for you…”



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