25 October 2007

ESL Instructor

I first thought that being an online English instructor is a piece of cake since all you have to do is speak in English. Correct your student’s wrong grammars, pronunciations and dictions.

I was not mistaken: D

I applied hoping that I’d get my English skills honed up in preparation for the forthcoming IELTS examination. I could help young Koreans with their English lessons, a little bit of their Math and Science subjects too; so an Online Tutor.

My shift starts at 2pm and ends 11 in the evening. I get 10 minute breaks but literally not applicable since we are required to log in to the system 5 minutes before the class starts. When we say class, my company has this virtual screen classroom where we could teach young Koreans across the world by clicking on colorful icons and underlining everything while chatting non-stop about the lesson. It was fun. It is fun.

Now I’m back to the basics. Learning my had, have, and has; my on, in, and at placements; the correct pronunciations of all words. And speaking very slowly and clearly; our trainer actually said I have a good junior voice. Perfect kindergarten teacher voice; I appear to be a very caring teacher, which is very suitable since I am teaching young Korean (not so young, too) kids :)

This is an amazing experience. Working with a young pool of dedicated English teachers, I, myself is learning through the process. Both in English, and with Life :)


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