05 July 2007
What is this sickness that has been bothering me for quite some time now? I am a Nurse and yet the cause reiterated by my doctor seemed absurd for me. I have lymphedema, which was originally caused by my sialitis, now i guesssed it took a life of it's own and it's unstoppable, and recurring -- unless i treat it with steroids.
I hate steroids. It gives me acne and dry mouth, and occassionally stomatitis. I wouldn't take it if there were any other measures to control it. Oh, and most probably, i'd grow fat. Oh yeah, the long years of enjoying life being skinny -- then i'm fat? Urgh!
So what is it now, lymphedema. As per medical description, it is the swelling associated with the migration of fluids from the outside going inside or vice versa in cases of CHF. Mine is only localized swelling at the left submandibular area which was caused by obstructed lympahtic drainage because my AB-AG mechanism has over reacted to something i think i'm allergic to cause such reaction, therefore these antibodies gets trapped in the lymph duct and the lymphatic fluid was not able to flush it away because of it's stuck there. Therefore causing the swelling because fluid can not pass through. Amen.
For more info, don't ask me. Ask the doctor. Or better yet. Search Google.
Labels lymphedema