30 May 2009
Castro was sitting on the bed carefully watching Yolanda pace back and forth. She was biting her nails and lines on her face start to show everytime she rubs her closed eyes.
Yolanda spotted the chair at the corner and sat there, staring at Castro.
He was the most beautiful man she'd ever seen. He had the body of a swimmer, lean but with arms and legs that can carry her full weight. A beautifully sculpted shoulder and faint lines that travel vertically and horizontally along his midsection. He had the most gorgeous locks that still smell fresh after a long day... And his eyes, his eyes that disappear whenever he smile; his eyes that melt her heart with just a glance; his eyes that show no emotion but happiness, longing and love.
He moved nearer to Yolanda towards the end of the bed, "What are you looking at?" He teased her.
Yolanda smiled and shook her head.
"Are you worried about skipping work today? Cmon, you deserve a day-off. You've been working really really hard. They should pay you triple for the things you do for them!"
Yolanda bitterly smiled.
"Who could ever think that a dump like the Archives could have such a talented and very sexy...employee like you?"
With this comment, Yolanda let out a chuckle. "You're crazy", she said and stood near the bathroom door.Looking at her reflection in the mirror, she whispered to herself, "I'm crazy."
Then she felt an arm around her waist and a familiar scent kissing her nape.
"Let's go back to bed", he murmurred.
Then her mobile phone rang. She let it ring until it became silent. Then a beep signalling a text message.
Yolly, where are you? How could you disappear like this again? Call me. - Damien
(to be cont...)
Labels Loss, Love, Short Story
28 May 2009
Five years had passed and Yolanda grew up to become an attractive young girl. She was still considered ordinary by girls who thought they're prettier than her, but boys would give her a second glance every time she walks by. She had gained a new moniker by then, the weird girl. Oftentimes people would tease her about Castro --
"Hey pony girl, where's your friend?"
"Hey weirdo! Where's your boyfriend??"
She would just look at them with contempt and then walk away.
Senior prom is nearing and Damien, one of the popular boys came up to Yolanda one afternoon. He had a long-stemmed rose which he hid behind his back while speaking to Yolanda.
"Yolly, may I ask you something?" Damien asked.
Yolanda was surprised but replied, "OK."
Then Damien started mumbling to himself while kicking the dust off his feet. Yolanda became more curious and urged Damien to speak up, "Was there something you want to ask?"
Damien took a deep breath and suddenly went down on one knee and offered the long-stemmed rose to Yolanda, "Yolly, will you ditch your special friend Castro and be my date for prom?"
Then laughter emanated from the background.
Yolanda looked around to see Damien's friend laughing their hearts out with the scene. It's clear that they're making fun of her. Yolanda felt her eyes getting hot. She stared at Damien with disgust and started to run away. Damien tried to stop her by grabbing her wrist, "Yolly, I'm sorry." Yolanda quickly got herself free and ran as fast as she could, just like her tears flowing freely on her cheeks.
Trying to escape the humiliation, Yolanda took refuge behind the large Acacia tree. She sat down catching her breath with tears still continuously flowing from her eyes. Then a tall figure suddenly appeared before her. She cannot see who it was and assumed it was Damien, "Please Damien, leave me alone."
But the figure did not go away, and squatted infront of her instead. He took a white handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the tears and sweat from Yolanda's face.
Yolanda looked at him and instead of stopping, more tears rolled down her face. She saw the clearest brown eyes looking lovingly at her. Then he smiled and planted a kiss on Yolanda's wet cheeks.
Yolanda moved away and uttered, "Castro please...stop."
(to be cont.)
Labels Loss, Love, Short Story
26 May 2009
There was once a little girl named Yolanda. She was not pretty, she was not perfect, she was not smart...she was just, ordinary. No one knew her name, they just know her as the girl in class. She was the one always referred to by teachers as "You, with the ponytail, stand up." She was just there, unknown...transparent...invisible.
Yolanda had one friend though, his name was Castro. He was always there in the morning waking up Yolanda by throwing pebbles at her window. He would pick her up everyday, walk to school with her and they would spend countless hours together. They would run up and down the hill from school, breathless but laughing. Some kids would look at them and Castro would cover Yolanda and urge her to race home. They would dash again and one time Yolanda fell down. Castro stood tall over her but he never reached down to help her.
"Get up!", he said.
"Help me, please?" asked Yolanda.
But Castro just stood there smiling, "Cmon loser, you fell down, you can get up."
"I can't. My knee is bleeding."
Castro squatted infront of Yolanda and gently said, "If I help you now, who will help you when I'm gone? So, cmon and stand up. You can do it. I'll wait for you at your house."
Then off he ran leaving Yolanda in tears.
When Yolanda got home she did not see Castro waiting for her. She was devastated. She was heartbroken. Castro abandoned her. Just like the rest of the kids in school. He didn't want to help her. She went to the kitchen to wash her knee when her mother saw her. She helped her into the tub and gently caressed her bruised knee. She didn't ask what happened for a mother knew everything even before a child confesses. She wiped Yolanda's tears and told her to get out of her soiled uniform and change into clean clothes.
Yolanda, still teary-eyed asked her mother, "Ma, did you see Castro waiting for me outside?"
Yolanda's mother lovingly cupped her face with both of her hands and hesitated before speaking. She cannot find the right words to tell Yolanda what happened. She took a deep breath and kissed Yolanda's forehead.
"Ma, what is it?"
"How old are you now Yolanda?"
"I'm twelve Mama."
(to be cont...)
Labels Loss, Love, Short Story
22 May 2009
Ok I don't want to be part of the bandwagon here but sometimes a person is just curious and sometimes although you don't wanna see it, a part of you is dying to find out what the others are looking at. So I found a way to download the infamous videos of Hayden Kho, Katrina Halili and Maricar Reyes. Good thing I have been downloading torrent videos and that one good man uploaded the video and is forever seeding it.
All I can say, Katrina Halili could have denied that it was her since her face wasn't even shown, it was just a silhouette and if you don't know it's Katrina, you wouldn't really know it's her. The other videos, featuring Maricar Reyes and the Brazilian model, their faces were clearly seen and that they cannot really deny that it's them. Katrina could have denied everything and then it would have all died down.

Pity to them women who fell for him, and woe to him hopefully soon to be incarcerated in the jails of Metro Manila. His alluring butt that he seemed to be very proud of showing in his videos, will soon be the feast of flesh-starved men behind bars. ROLFMAO! but the thing is, what case would be brought against him? Slander? Libel? Defamation of character? Indecent exposure? Blackmail? Mentally incapacitated? Disobedience to Violence against women and children Act? Sexual Harassment?
Hayden & Maricar
Hopefully they'll come up with something that's enough to put him and men like him behind bars.
Labels Hayden Kho, Katrina Halili
I finally saw Angels and Demons last Tuesday. I was very excited to see this since when I read the book, I was fascinated at how Dan Brown described the locations and the artworks for the path of Illumination, and finally his description of the Vatican Church and all it's protocols as well as traditions in choosing the next Pope.
Well, I was not disappointed. The artworks were amazing. My only wish though, is they could have focused more on explaining the relevance of each artwork in the clue since all we get is Tom Hanks thinking and thinking and then looking and then Eureka!!! Before we figured it out he's already running for the next clue. Nonetheless, they explained everything well and the story was true to the book. Except for the part where the Pope was actually a fan of science and that the Camerlengo was actually his son through artificial insemination (as far as I can remember?) and that's where he started hating the Pope. In addition to that, the first person who died in the lab had the Illuminati plastered on his chest, but they didn't show that. Probably it might draw a similarity on the first movie Da Vinci Code wherein the museum curator was found sprawled on the floor with writings all over his body.
If I hadn't read the book, I would have believed that the Camerlengo was actually a good guy and that he just wants peace. Ewan McGregor was really great in portraying an innocent priest who wanted nothing but the safety of the people. I would have guessed that the Head Cardinal (just like I did in the book) was the main villain. But then again, of course not.
While watching the movie, all I could think of was "when will I ever get to see this places for real?"I'm a sucker for beautiful places, beautiful artworks, historical places and sacred places. I could just spend my whole life just basking in the wonderful creations of art around me.
The theme of the movie was the battle between church and science. A long time ago, society of scholars headed by Galileo Galilei were forced into seclusion and secrecy when the church declared them blasphemous because of their experiments and beliefs that contradicts Catholic teachings and scriptures. It started with the Galileo's theory that the Earth is not actually the center of the Universe but rather only one of the objects that revolves arouns the sun. This ignited the Church's desire to destroy all scientists and their equipment, thus the Purga. The Illuminati were a group of scholars, artisans and scientists that placed their beliefs in their works in the most subtle of ways. Like in Bernini's sculptures, he uses Angels as a clue in guiding individuals in finding the 4 churches of Elements (Earth, Air, Fire and Water) and ultimately the Church of Illumination. Most of the artworks discussed were mainly Bernini's sculptures and it's relation to the path of Illumination.
The story was fitted in a two-hour movie and in that case some parts of the storyline got omitted. However, if you hadn't read the book, then the movie would already be enough for you. All was running and breath-taking guessing game all throughout. All in all, I am going to rate this movie a "must-see" and the book a "must-read".
Labels Angels and Demons
19 May 2009
I went to a friend's house for breakfast today and I met someone who's very very very funny. His name is Russell Peters. He's this Indian guy who grew up in Canada who is now very famous because of his racist jokes and his over the top mimickry of the customs and traditions of some nations. Most of all, since he's Indian, the country whose traditions and culture he ridiculed most is India.
I was laughing my ass off even if I hadn't really had slept and I am so effing tired from work. His jokes about an Indian guy and a Chinese guy bargaining, who's gonna win?? Who will lose?? Then about him getting mauled by his dad by following the advice of one American friend who said that they can say anything to their parents because parents in the US are not allowed to hit their kids, so he said "f*** you" to his dad. And to his regret, his dad beat the crap out of him. Then about mixing races together - a Hollander and a Filipino gets married and their offspring is called Hollapinos. An Indian and a Jew and their kids are called Hinjews. And this is the best one, a Cuban and an Icelander and their kids would be called -- Icecubes!!! ROLF...
I went to his website and found out some facts about him.
He's actually been in the comedy business for almost 20 years. As much a humorist as a comedian, Russell doesn’t really tell jokes. Rather, he uses his wry observations on the subjects of race, class and culture to illuminate our human shortcomings with the sizzling accuracy of a well-aimed laser. His quick wit and ability to mimic language and accents allows Russell to create characters of all races and cultures and forge an immediate bond with his audiences, regardless of their racial and cultural background (www.russellpeters.com).
Labels comedy, Russell Peters
18 May 2009
The only light light instance in this episode is Jessica Capshaw. I am totally loving her character Dr. Arizona Robbins. If I were sick, and I were a pedia patient, I would totally feel better if she were my doctor. She has the fritz of a child and the lightheartedness and joy that no one in Grey's Anatomy has. She's a good addition to the bunch of crazy doctors who lets their emotions get ahead of themselves.

I liked the part when Derek described what marriage is to Meredith. It's about two people making vows, making a commitment to be together forever, and signing a contract. In effect, they wrote down their vows on a blue post-it"
1. To love one another even when they hate each other. No running.
2. To take care of each other even when they're old and smelly and senile.
3. For Derek to remind Meredith who he is if ever Meredith develops Alzheimers.
It's sweet. Marriages should be like that. Never let a day pass by that you don't tell someone you love them. Never let a chance go by to make someone happy. Never stop loving even though you wanna tear that person to pieces. Never turn your back when you sleep together at night..you might wake up alone. Never wait for the other person to apologize when you could say sorry. Never hide a smile even if you think it's silly. Never be afraid to cry and be thought of as sappy when you really are.
Anyways, I think it's the end for George's and Izzie's characters. It's just sad that they developed these characters and they just end up dead.
A flashback of that prom night when Izzie in her red ball gown rode the elevator to see Denny, but instead the door opens and George is standing infront of her in his army uniform.

Labels Grey's Anatomy, Loss, Love

Catherine & Vincent
Labels beauty and the beast, Loss, Love
17 May 2009
This is Tamia, one of my favorite singers since Almost and Officially missing you. She's an amazing lady and this song is so great!
16 May 2009
I have just seen the Naruto Shippuuden Movie entitled Bonds. It's not quite the battle I expected but it's worth seeing Naruto and Sasuke fighting together again. I have taken some screenshots from the movie and here is the main title ------------------->
The story was about the revenge of the SKy country who was apparently destroyed by the 5 great nations which incude Konoha. The person who instigated this revenge was a "Doctor" who thrive in re-birth spells using dark chakra. He was the person who taught Orochimaru his forbidden rebirth technique.
Sasuke was sent to retrieve his techniques while Naruto was on a mission to bring Amaru to her village and came upon a very tragic encounter with the dark chakra specialist. But not before unleashing his foxy power over the Reibi who possessed Amaru.
From what I've seen, Naruto could have managed to defeat the guy all by himself but an added flair in fighting which Sasuke have would not be that bad. He was able to catch the transforming doctor with his chidori needles and Sasuke and Naruto un-willingly fought together to bring down the doctor.

These are some pic highlights of the movie, Sasuke turning into a flying bat and Naruto using his Rasengan to break down the wall of the Reibi.
Labels Anime, Naruto, Sasuke, Shippuuden
12 May 2009
My bet when I caught the show on their leg in Thailand was Jamie and Cara, of course, women power. But Jamie displayed such attitude, as in! Anyhow, Luke and Margie would be the best team since Margie is ultra smart and capable that Luke was a total loser and whiner (walk-out queen). But Victor and Tammy prevailed since both are strong, they support each other, they are both lawyers, they're asians (it's a shame if they lost the leg in Beijing) and oh well, they're fast and wise.

Labels Amazing Race
Dollhouse Season 1 Episode 12
So, my second post after the Alpha came back to town. He takes Echo with him and they pretended to be outlaws, gods, rebels, lovers, whatchamacallit... But not after revealing that the good doctor of the house Dr. Saunders is actually the number one doll before Echo...Dr. Saunders is Whisky.
And then a pair of previous law enforcers pretended to be law enforcers to investigate Alpha and bring back Echo. All the while Alpha's past played in the background, how he slashed Whisky's face because he wants Echo to be number one. They were supposed to be at a tabularasa state, no wants, no sex drive, no love...but Alpha was kissing Echo and Alpha wanted Echo so badly. I guess, you can never erase the soul of a person (according to agent Ballard).
Anyway, they got Echo back. Agent Ballard starts working for DeWitt, and Alpha got away again.
Labels Dollhouse, Eliza Dushku
10 May 2009
Oh, wait...that's not the right one..hmmm
I've been following this show since time immemorial. It has been my weekly booster for my passion in the field of nursing. Watching this show makes me realize what I could do for people who are in situations like they have (of course as a nurse, not a surgeon). Going through the cases that they have every episode, it enhances my knowledge (or what's left of it) about medical-surgical, maternal, pedia, trauma and OR (are there any more?? see GLUTAPHOS). It's a rollercoaster ride as I sit there guessing what's the next course of action, but more times than not, I fail to follow what's the right step since I never encountered the cases that they have, only in books, which is a bit boring.
Anyways, the show has been very entertaining for their medical and surgical cases, but it has captured the hearts of many because of it's romantic, crazy and out of the world storylines. Especially coming up with the unforgettable McDreamy..then McSteamy...oh, and McDog (do you still remember him?)
My most favorite part before was the wedding (almost) of Burke and Christina. Burke recited his vows in the OR while operating and it was very beautiful. Unfortunately, Burke got kicked out of the show because of a comment made against gay people like George (T.R. Knight).
But what's fabulous is the evolution of characters. Christina started out to be Ms. Insensitive, Meredith Ms. Too Sensitive and Too Many Issues, George as Mr. Insecure, Izzy as Ms. Super Confident and Alex as Mr. Bad Boy. As time went by, each character was developed into human beings that we can relate to, empathize and sympathize.
And here, in season 5 episode 22, Alex and Izzy gets married. If you can remember back in season 1, Alex teased Izzy for being a poster girl and posted Izzy's half-naked picture all over the locker rooms and elevator platforms. Alex was the character I hated the most. I felt like he was just placed there to make things complicated and crazy. His character had no purpose at all. He was brute, stubborn, selfish, and un-mannered. But in this season, Alex had grown to be the most honest character, and a loving one at that. His devotion to Izzy is amazing and although he could be tactless at times, you know that what he's saying is coming from the bottom of his heart.

And so, instead of Meredith and Shepperd getting married; Alex and Izzytook their vows and promised to be man and wife in the eyes of God and the state of Washington.

and a montage of all the pairs of Grey's Anatomy was shown..
Labels Grey's Anatomy
04 May 2009

The film started slow with 7-year-old Chuiya being carried off to the widow house. Her husband just died and as per religious law in India, a widow has three choices, 1. to be buried with her husband, 2. to marry the husband’s younger brother, or 3. to live her whole life in denial. Apparently, women who became widows at such a young age were taken to this house to live a life of denial. There was this part I like when the old matron of the widow house explained to the young Chuiya why they should live their life in poverty and suffering. She said, “a wife is a part of the husband, so when the husband dies, the wife also had half-died. So tell me why should a widow live life when she’s half-dead?” In which Chuiya answered, “because she’s half-alive.”
One word. Amazing writing. (Sorry make that two)
The vision that is Lisa Ray in the character of Kalyani, a beautiful widow who is the source of livelihood of the house then appears. Her hair is uncut unlike all the widows in the house. Apparently, she’s being pimped by the house matron with the help of a “eunuch” to Brahmins (men who has no regard for religious law or something to that effect). Kalyani and Chuiya became fast friends, including the figure of righteousness inside the house, known as Shakuntala Didi (who looks like Nora Aunor). Even without make-up, Lisa Ray is breathtakingly stunning. I missed some subtitles and had to repeat the scene again when she speaks because I need to look at her even though I don’t understand what she’s saying. I cannot look away when she lights up the screen.
Moving on, an old widow was continuously craving for sweets because she got taken into the house too when she was only seven years old. One day, Chuiya was among the widows who were begging in front of a temple when she got frustrated and ran away with the begging money. She saw a peddler selling sweets and bought a ladoo (it looks like a big munchkin) and gave it to the old widow. A simple gesture of thoughtfulness and generosity that is rare at that time, even nowadays. Apparently, the old widow was just waiting for the ladoo and she died happily that night.
When Kalyani and Chuiya were bathing a dog in the river, they met a man (who looks like Albert Martinez) and both were immediately drawn to each other. But, according to religious law a widow cannot remarry because it’s a sin. So Kalyani didn’t let herself fall for Narayan (the guy) but he was actually persistent. It’s the first time that I saw a male character standing up for the woman that he loves and going against all odds in such a conservative environment. Narayan was a law student and is a passionate follower of Gandhi. He believes in equality and love. He offered marriage to Kalyani and confessed to his conservative mother that he’s going to marry a widow. On the other hand, it was the women who were cruel to other women. Like the house matron, who claims that they should live in suffering but pimps out Kalyani for money. Eats good food while the others only eat once a day; and the woman in the bath who Kalyani accidentally bumped into, she said she needs to take a bath again since she’s been soiled by a widow.
Nonetheless, Kalyani was so happy that she told Chuiya about the wedding proposal. Chuiya being a silly child cannot keep secrets and constantly fights with the house matron blurting out Kalyani’s secret. In a rage, the house matron cut Kalyani’s long hair and locked her inside the room warning everybody that if Kalyani would get married, she will all drown them into more sin. At this point, Shakuntala (or Nora) believed that what Kalyani was about to do was a sin since according to religion, widows are forbidden to remarry. But she was told that there is a law already permitting widows to remarry and she fought her faith and went with her conscience... She freed Kalyani who is now half-bald.
I was in that moment where I thought perhaps this could have a happy ending but it seems that the Brahmin that Kalyani has been servicing was Narayan’s father. Kalyani felt ashamed of herself and the momentary period of happiness was lost. In that part, she had lived her life not knowing how to love and just following traditions and it was okay. She was okay with that, but when shown a glint of hope and true love, and then was taken away again… she can no longer live the same life knowing that she could have been someone better. But it’s all ruined in an instant. So she drowned herself in the river. But Narayan was persistent and had come to take Kalyani but he was too late.
The house matron, since losing Kalyani, has been grooming Chuiya to be the next Kalyani. One night she had Chuiya taken into the Brahmin’s house tricking her of only playing. Shakuntala (a.k.a. Nora) went berserk and looked for Chuiya only to find her in the boat along the river, weakened from her ordeal. This part, my eyes are beginning to moist. The care that Shakuntala was showing Chuiya was so intense that she went to the assembly by Gandhi and asking them to take Chuiya away from that place. The suspense leading to the climax of Narayan saving Chuiya finally made my tears drop like a waterfall. The situation, the acting, the music, the cinematography… it’s heart-wrenching and heart-warming at the same time.
Since the title of the movie is “Water”, the river played an important part in the movie. It is where Kalyani and Chuiya met Narayan; it is by the river that they send off their dead; it is in the river where Kalyani took her life; and through the river, Chuiya had been presented with the worst nightmare of her life. The color of the movie is essentially toned down. Colors used were only hues of white, light blue, brown and black. The photography was splendid and the editing was alright as well, although there are some parts that could be edited out but well, who am I to say that? The music was brilliant as well since the man who composed the music for Slum dog Millionaire made the music of Water too, RA Rahman. All in all, I would give this movie a rating of 5 stars. A must-see!