10 July 2008

There was once a quarter-moon called Luna. She was still a child and eager to go out to the skies and watch the earth below. She was allowed to shine on some nights and was eager to see more. She has seen the fields with trees, children playing in their backyard, and little boats with their shiny lights on finding their way in the big pool of water they call the sea.
One night, she overheard some moons talking about the color of the trees and flowers. Trey, a half-moon said the trees are gray and the flowers are black. Luna smiled and thought that's correct. However, Hector who is also a half-moon disagreed with Trey. Hector said the trees are green and the flowers are red. The other moons as well as Luna were shocked by what Hector said. Then, a barrage of questions, all aimed at Hector grew louder and louder that Luna unable to hear Hector's replies went home frustrated with her own questions.
Luna found her mother Full moon Fiona in the kitchen, cooking their meal. Fiona noticed Luna looking at her and knowingly asked, “Is there something you want to ask me, Luna?”
Luna was jilted and shyly said, “How did you know I want to ask something, Mother?”
“Because you are my child and I know you.”
Luna smiled and inched her way closer to Fiona.
“Mom, what is the color of the trees and flowers?”
Fiona was surprised by the question, “You have a very interesting question. May I know why you are asking me this?”
Luna relayed the events with Trey and Hector while Fiona listened attentively. When Luna was done, Fiona asked her, “Who do you believe is telling the truth?”
Luna, bewildered by her mother's question truthfully answered, “It's Trey of course. Because I have seen the trees and flowers and they are gray and black. Everything on earth is either gray or black. I don't even know what color is green and red.”
Then Luna looked up to Fiona and said, “Do you know the color of green, Mother?”
Fiona was amused by Luna's questions let out a small laugh. “Of course I know the color green.” Then she became serious and said, “Listen Luna, both Trey and Hector are correct. The color of the tree is green and to us it appears gray, and the color of the flower is red but to us it appears black.”
“But how come there are two colors?” Luna asked.
“Because of the kind of light we shine on them, Luna. We only shine at night when it's dark, so most of the colors we see are either gray or black.”
“How do you know it's really green or red then, when you only come out at night, Mom?”
“Because there was a time I saw them during the day, when Mr. Sun was shining and everything was bright.”
Luna was amazed by what Fiona told her, and excitedly asked if she could also come out during the day and see the colors of the trees and flowers. But Fiona told her otherwise.
“Why can't I go out during the day? When Mr. Sun is bright and I could play?” Luna insistently asked.
Fiona gently reminded her, “Dear, our light is not as bright as Mr. Sun's. I'm afraid you'll lose your light if you come out.”
The bewildered Luna further asked, “What do you mean, Mom? We are the only source of light during the night! So we must have stronger light than Mr. Sun!”
With an exasperated groan Luna slumped on her chair and blurted, “Mr. Sun was never there when it's dark. I just want to see the color green and red.”
Fiona, astounded by her daughter's observation, patted Luna's shoulder and lifted her chin. “My dear child, you are wise beyond your years. But that's just the way it is. We come out at night when Mr. Sun is sleeping so we could keep our lights.”
Disappointed, Luna said, “Then I refuse to shine anymore at night.”
Fiona restrained her laughter and lovingly looked at Luna, “When it is dark and people need light, we are there for them. When Mr. Sun is resting we help the people find their way at night. You see Luna, people need us more at night than during the day. When Mr. Sun's light is waning and darkness befalls the earth, we shine. Unlike during the day, when Mr. Sun is awake and is shining brightly, people can not see us shining for them. So it's useless if we shine during the day. And if we lose our light, who will shine on the people at night? No one. Do you understand?”
Luna was nodding and slowly her spirits are coming back. She stood up from her chair and started to walk away when she remembered she has another question.
“Mother, you said once you saw the trees and flowers during the day and you did not lose your light, when will I be able to see them too?”
“Just open your eyes and you will see”, was Fiona's answer.

That night, it was Luna's turn to shine and she tried to make her light brighter so she could see the trees turn green and the flowers turn red. Morning came and still unblinking she was still trying to see what color is green. Mr. Sun, who was now up from his sleep saw Luna and was amused. He asked her, “What are you watching, Luna?”
Luna did not look at Mr. Sun but answered, “I'm waiting to see the trees turn green and the flowers turn red.”
Mr. Sun smiled to himself and slowly spread his light over the earth.
“I will start to shine now it’s better if you go home immediately, or you might lose your light.”
Stubbornly, Luna did not move and stayed where she is until she felt Mr. Sun's light on her. She started to move away from Mr. Sun and with a bowed head she turned around when Mr. Sun called out, “Wait!”
Slowly, the gray trees were turning to green and the black flowers were turning to red.
Luna was very happy and she couldn't believe that she had finally seen the colors green and red.
“So that's the color green!” she yelled ecstatically.
She turned around and saw Mr. Sun smiling at her and slowly spreading his light. She smiled at Mr. Sun and waved goodbye.
“Thank you Mr. Sun. Till we meet again!” and she hurriedly went home with rejuvenated spirits.

---END ---


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